Great success for our day of actions on Canada Post

To mobilize citizens about the importance of preserving the home delivery service of Canada Post, Alexander and NDP MPs organized a day of action last Saturday to talk about concrete measures proposed by the NDP and to get more signatures on our petition to stop the cuts. 

Help us fight against the cuts at Canada Posts by making a donation of $5 or more.

This operation of door knocking got thousands of new signatures for the petition against the cuts at Canada Post.

The end of the home service will create significant difficulties for people, especially for the elderly, people with disabilities and businesses. It is very disturbing that the Conservatives stand idly rather than force Canada Post to explore other options instead of just cut services and raise the price of stamps.

You can give us a helping hand for our next day of action by signing up here. 

If you are not able physically to help, you can help us fight against the cuts by making a small donation of $5 or more. As you might guess, a campaign across the country is a daunting task. 


In solidarity.

Alexandre Boulerice’s team

NDP MP for Rosemont - La Petite -Patrie

Responsible for the Canada Post file



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on May 06, 2014

May 1st: The NDP worried about the growing divide between rich and poor

I am celebrating International Workers’ Day by marching alongside thousands of Canadians today to protest austerity measures implemented by Stephen Harper’s government – measures that have given rise to growing social inequality.

Since coming to power, the Conservatives have been relentless in targeting workers: they have tabled anti-union bills, gutted employment insurance, pushed back the age of retirement, categorically opposed improving public pension plans, and much more.

The Conservative government is trying to convince us that workers needs to sacrifice even further. Because of their policies, we have had to learn to settle for less: less protections, less jobs, less public services. Less, less, less – that seems to be their mantra.

By axing social programs, the Conservatives have been widening the gap between the rich and poor. According to a report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, the wealth of Canada’s 86 richest people, or 0.002% of the population, is now equal to that of the nation’s poorest 11.4 million citizens.

You can stop this! Contribute 5$ or more and help elect in 2015 the first progressive government in the history of Canada.

Alexandre Boulerice

NDP Labour critic

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on May 01, 2014

Alexandre named co-chair of the 2015 campaign!

Hello --

Wow! What news. We learned late last weekend that Alexander will co-chair the next election. Big challenges coming ahead.

As you know, beating Harper in 2015 will not be a breeze. But everyone is aware that building a better society is never effortless. The only way to get there works together and put forward the values that get us going.

That is why we need to start working now.

Every hour of your time is an antidote to cynicism. Join our team 2015 by clicking here. 

I know we all want to give more time to the cause of change, but sometimes our schedule does not allow it.

If you still want to help, you can donate and help us to put forward a positive vision of politics by clicking here. 


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Let’s build a better Canada!


Team Boulerice
NDP MP for Rosemont - La Petite -Patrie and Co-Chair of the 2015 campaign

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on April 10, 2014

The Conservatives will do anything to pass their anti-worker bill

The Conservatives have once again used parliamentary tricks to fast-forward the adoption of the anti-worker Bill C- 525. Yesterday, we learned that the second hour of debate will be held Tuesday, April 8 at 6PM. The final vote will take place  next Wednesday, April 9 at 6PM.

The good news is that we have managed to force the inclusion of a series of amendments that reduce the negative impacts of the bill. 

Last week you sent more than a 1,000 emails to minister Leitch to tell her to vote against the bill.

Why not give her a call and tell her what you think of Blaine Calkins bill? You can find contact information here: 

You can also watch excerpts from the speech I made last week during the first hour of debate.

In solidarity,

Alexandre Boulerice

NDP MP for Rosemont - La Petite -Patrie

Official labour critic

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on April 04, 2014

Harper resigns! Read more:

Yep, unfortunately this is a joke. Harper is still at work with his conservative agenda. Even the panda he received as a gift from China is no longer able to bear it ...

But do not despair. We must work together to beat him in 2015. We must put forward a positive vision of politics. A vision of a society that values ​​the redistribution of wealth and sustainable development with a reinvestment in public transit. A vision of politics that as at heart the welfare of the population and not the big banks and oil companies.

It starts now! Can I count on you?

You change the course of history:

Donate $5 and give us the means to defeat him in 2015.

Happy April Fools day. And, if you want to extend the april fools day fun to your friends, share this on social networks.


Team Alexandre Boulerice

NPD MP for Rosemont - La Petite-Patrie

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on April 01, 2014

C525: Conservatives want to shove it down our throats

Yesterday, the Conservatives changed the legislative calendar to get a speedy adoption of Bill C-525. This Wednesday, their will be an hour of debate that could lead to another vote confirming the conservative economic strategy built on low-paid jobs.

Until now, Minister of Labour Kellie Leitch was silent and made a backbencher do the dirty work. There is still time to hold her accountable and tell her to vote against this bill that guts democratic freedom in workplaces across Canada.

Take Action! Express your opposition to this bill.



After Bill C-377 and the program of temporary migrant workers, another anti-worker bill was presented by a Conservative MP. Blaine Calkins introduced Bill C-525 which is designed to restrict the ability of workers to organize. In committee we were able to adopt a series of amendments which subtracts the most odious parts of the bill. But, the fact remains that this bill must be defeated.

To show your opposition by email, click here.
To share on Facebook, click here.
To share on Twitter, click here.

Together let’s build a better Canada.

Alexandre Boulerice
NDP MP for Rosemont - La Petite -Patrie
Official criticism of the work

PS. The best way to stop these attacks against workers is to change government... Donate $5 or more to help me and the NDP become the first progressive government in history in 2015.

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on March 25, 2014

Wow! He lasted 11 hours

The Conservatives want to ram through a bill (The Unfair Election Act) is only advantageous to them, and they are doing everything they can to keep Canadians in the dark. That's why the NDP is doing everything it can to bring public and media attention to this important issue.  We will soon launch public consultations across Canada.

Tuesday, the NDP’s Dave Christopherson did what we call, in political jargon, a “filibuster”.  A filibuster is a procedural obstruction tactic.  Dave talked for 11 HOURS (!!) in Committee to prevent the adoption of Bill C-23.

You can watch the first part of the 11 hours here (or a few minutes, if you prefer :)):



You can also thank Dave here:

Bill C- 23 provides, among other things, an increase in the donations ceiling,from $ 1200 to $ 1500. The Conservatives want, with this measure, to maintain their fundraising advantage by allowing the wealthiest Canadians to give more money. We should not let them.

In opposition to the conservatives who represent big businesses, the NDP wants to fight for the interests of real people.  Help us fight this odious Bill  -- one that will increase the influence of big money in politics -- by donating $5 or more.


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on March 06, 2014

Paper petition to stop service cuts at Canada Post

The House of commons requires that we table paper petitions. We need your help to obtain as much signatures has possible before the House reconvenes on January 27th. 

  1. PLEASE print the letter format or the legal format.
  2. Gather signatures from people you know. Make sure that ALL of the fields are filled.
  3. Send signed petitions to Alexandre Boulerice
    1. The address is written at the bottom of the petition
    2. YOU DON'T NEED TO PUT A STAMP. Sending mail to an MP is always free.
  4. To sign the electronic version, click here.
  5. In french:


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Jason Kenney strikes again :

Wow! My mind just exploded when I read Jason Kenney's tweet yesterday!

I'm writing to you on my lunch break because we can't let Jason Kenney get away with this!

You know what Jason? I, like all of my New Democrat colleagues, am a member of a unionized work place and yes I am working 'till midnight too. But, I am working for a different goal than you, Sir... I am working for justice and equality. I am working to kick this anti-worker, anti-women, anti-First Nation and anti-science government out of office in 2015!

If you, like me, are outraged by what Jason Kenney expressed via Twitter, there are a few things you can do:

First, make sure you sign our petition to stop attacks against workers:

Second, you can let Jason Kenney know what you think via Twitter by clicking here: 

Third, you can help us take the fight to them. As you know, the Conservatives have amassed a huge war chest. We need the means the fight back. You can do as I've done and offer a small contribution: 5$, 10$, 25$ - any amount helps. It will go towards ensuring that Jason Kenney and the Conservative government don't keep getting away with these games.

Finally, you can share this post with you friends and colleagues and call Jason Kenny out! 



In solidarity,

Eric Demers

Political Advisor to Alexandre Boulerice Official Opposition Labour Critic (And proud unionized worker - Unifor 232) 

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on November 19, 2013

Attacks on workers continue with Bill C525

On October 29, Conservative MP Blaine Calkins opened the debate on the anti-worker Bill C-525. Once again, the Stephen Harper’s Conservative government is using a no-name backbencher to do his dirty work. The appropriate manner to amend the Canadian labour code is well established: the Labour Minister, after thorough consultations with all stakeholders, should be the one to introduce any bill to amend the code. But it’s not the Harper Conservatives way. They are continuing with their unilateral approach that disrespects Parliamentary process and Canadian workers and employers. 

You can sign our petition against C525 here :

In his speech to the House of Commons, Calkins claimed: “I have heard from constituents all over my riding and across Canada about concerns that workers have when it comes to their union's representation. They feel confined and they speak of intimidation from their own union and its organizers.” When asked for evidence of these claims Calkins has remained silent

My fellow Democrats and I will fight to defend Canadian workers and ensure their rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. 

You can listen to the speech that I delivered in the house on C-525 by clicking here. You can also read my speech and the speech from Blaine Calkins.

C-525, as you know, will significantly hinder the ability of workers to organize and ease disaffiliation for those under federal jurisdiction. It contains changes that still leave us speechless in their irresponsibility and recklessness. (You can read the bill here)

For example:

The bill will abolish the practice, widely accepted, of 50% + 1 of membership cards signing to form a bargaining unit . This bill would make secret ballots mandatory. Numerous studies have proved that it encourages intimidation and unfair practices by some employers.

The bill imposes what is essentially a form of vote rigging in union certification votes by counting all non-voters as opposing the union. 

And the reverse is true in disaffiliations – those who don’t vote count as voting to decertify the union!

Finally, the bill abolishes the widely accept card-check procedure for forming a union, which offers workers protection against intimidation and other unfair labour practices from employers. 

Going forward, I will keep you informed of developments related to this bill.

Alexandre Boulerice

MP for Rosemont - La Petite-Patrie

Official opposition labour critic


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on October 31, 2013

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